About BFS Processs

Be part of the growing cyclotourism market and the local cycling community.

This process is managed by the Association for Economic Development REDAH (Bosnia and Herzegovina) as the Regional Technical Secretariat, with the assistance of the National Technical Secretariats: the Development Agency Zlatibor (Serbia), the Tourism Cluster Montenegro (Montenegro), the Network for Rural Development of North Macedonia (North Macedonia), LAG Agroturizmi, Peć (Kosovo), and OJF THE DOOR, Shkoder (Albania).
The objective of the Bike Friendly Standard is to get the trust of visitors confirming that the subject that has a featured Bike Friendly Standard certificate-signage really wants to help cyclists and treat them with respect and understanding.

Who Can Become a holder of the Bike Friendly signage?
Anyone who recognizes a cyclotourists as one of the target groups and who meets the criteria in this guideline may apply to become a Bike Friendly.
Interested service providers must be registered under local laws.

Take advantage of the benefits for the Bike Friendly signage holders

The price of certification will be determined depending on the type of standard and published in a public call for each country. The maximum price will not exceed €300, which includes the costs of certification, plus the cost of creating info boards and BFS signage.

BFS Application Process

The Technical Committees will annually publish a public call for interested service providers who want to be certified. The certification process is divided into several steps:

1. Publishing a Public Call – the Technical Committees will publish a public call on their website for interested service providers. A public call for expressions of interest will be announced during the fall of the current year and will be open for one month. The technical secretarial staff will be available for answering questions and providing clarifications.
2. Application for Certification – the interested service providers will find the application form for each of the 5 categories of standards on the websites. A completed form with the accompanying documentation must be sent to a defined e-mail address. The accompanying documentation and deadline for submitting applications will be defined by a public call.
3. Administrativna provjera prijava – po zatvaranju roka za dostavljanje prijava u roku koji će biti naznačen u javnom pozivu, tehnički komiteti će izvršiti administrativnu provjeru pristiglih prijava. Onim prijaviteljima koji su ispunili tehničku provjeru će biti ponuđen Ugovor o certificiranju. Po potpisivanju Ugovora napravit će se lista pružatelja usluga i dinamički plan posjete.
4. Preparation for the introduction of the BFS – The Technical Committees’ staff will go to the field for insight into the status of the applied service provider and provide a written recommendation of what needs to be done / changed in order to meet the criteria.

5. Preparation of the facility of the applicant – the applied service provider will have a period of 1-3 months, depending on type of standard, to fulfil the requirements according to the criteria and will inform the Technical Secretariat upon completion and fulfilment of the recommendations.
6. Evaluation of the applicant – an independent evaluator will go out to the field and check if the service provider has met all the requirements for that type of standard within the deadline defined in the public call. If all criteria are met, the evaluator will inform the Technical Secretariat in writing. In case they are not, an applicant will be given an additional deadline to complete and finalize what has not been done.
7. Awarding BFS certificate and the signage – the Technical Secretariat will assign a certificate, a BFS table/sign and an info board. The signage holder will be named on the websites of Technical Secretariats. BFS is valid for 2 years after which a mandatory recertification is required, and each recertification is valid for 3 years.
8. Annulment of BFS certificate – if the Technical Secretariat receives an official complaint, about a certificate holder, according to the defined regulations, at each complaint, the holder of the certificate will be warned with the order to correct the deficiency. If, within a period of one year, the holder of the certificate does not comply with three (3) correction orders, the certificate will automatically be annulled.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

BFS Regional Technical Secretariat
Asocijacija za ekonomski razvitak REDAH
BNR 15, 88000 Mostar
e-mail: [email protected]

North Macedonia

BFS National Technical Secretariat
Mreža za ruralni razvoj
Office Address:
ul. “Borka Taleski” br.55,
1000 Skopje
R. Makedonija
Тел: +389 (2) 3075 506
Факс: +389 (2) 3075 503
E-mail: [email protected]


BFS National Technical Secretariat
NVU Turistički klaster Montenegro
Radoja Dakića bb, IPC Tehnopolis
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. 067 743 421


BFS National Technical Secretariat
Lagjia: Naim Gjylbegu
Rruga: Bujar Bishanaku, No.799
ph: +35522243729
fax: +35522243729
alt: +355 68 202 6559
[email protected]


BFS National Technical Secretariat
Regionalna razvojna agencija Zlatibor
Petra Ćeloviča 13A, 31000 Užice
e-mail: [email protected]
Tel. 031 523 065


BFS National Technical Secretariat
LAG Agroturizmi Pejë/pec
Address; St. Aleksander Moisiu, Cadaster building ) pn, 30000, Pejë/Pec, Kosovë/Kosovo,
authorized representative of the organization is Mehdi Mulaj, tel +38345286000; Fb. Glv
Agroturizmi, M.Mulaj https://www.facebook.com/glvagroturizmi/
e mail Mehdi Mulaj [email protected]