Objavljeno: 29.02.2024.
Five facilities in Han Pijesk: Restaurant Pogled, Braća Kosorić village accommodation, coffee bar Hunter, parking lot at the Health Center and Solar Smart cycling point parking lot are certified in accordance with the requirements of the standard for facilities suitable for cyclists – Bike Friendly Standard. These facilities, recognizing the growth of cycle tourism and the opportunities it offers in Han Pijesk, decided to start the certification process according to the requirements of this standard, thereby increasing the quality of their services, adapting their operations for this specific category of tourists, which, along with promotion, will further increase the competitiveness of these facilities and enable them to increase their income.
You can see more information about these facilities on the Bike Friendly standard page:
– Restaurant Pogled https://www.bikefriendlystandard.com/en/listing/restaurant-pogled-miroslav-todorovic-han-pijesak/
– Rural accommodation Braća Kosorić https://www.bikefriendlystandard.com/en/listing/rural-accommodation-brothers-kosoric-ljubomir-and-ljubisa-han-pijesak/
– Cafe Bar Hunter https://www.bikefriendlystandard.com/en/listing/caffe-bar-hunter-han-pijesak/
– Parking at the Health Center https://www.bikefriendlystandard.com/en/listing/municipality-of-han-pijesak/
-Parking Solar Smart cycling point https://www.bikefriendlystandard.com/en/listing/solar-smart-cycling-point-han-pijesak/
Information about the facilities can also be found on the outdoor.active page:
– Restaurant Pogled https://www.outdooractive.com/en/gastro/western-balkans/restaurant-pogled-miroslav-todorovic-/804432503/
– Rural accommodation Brothers Kosorić https://www.outdooractive.com/en/accommodation/western-balkans/rural-accommodation-brothers-kosoric-ljubomir-and-ljubisa/804432467/
– Cafe Bar Hunter https://www.outdooractive.com/en/gastro/western-balkans/caffe-bar-hunter-han-pijesak/804475954/
– Parking at the Health Center https://www.outdooractive.com/en/poi/western-balkans/municipality-of-han-pijesak/804475977/
-Parking Solar Smart cycling point https://www.outdooractive.com/en/poi/western-balkans/solar-smart-cycling-point-han-pijesak/804476076/
The Association for Economic Development REDAH developed this standard in 2019 and so far over 50 facilities have been certified in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Croatia.
Bike Friendly is a well-known synonym for cyclist-friendly services. Services marked with the Bike Friendly label are facilities/services/attractions, etc. which meet the minimum standards adapted to cycle tourists and their needs.
It is intended for different categories of facilities/services/attractions that want their service to adapt as much as possible to the needs of this specific type of tourist. Depending on the type of facilities/services/attractions and their size, the Bike Friendly Standard (BFS) gives all interested parties the opportunity to join this process and create more favorable conditions in the region for the development of this specific segment of the tourist offer, and to promote their services and make a financial profit.
The standard itself and the criteria within individual categories of standards are defined based on previous practical knowledge and experiences from EU countries where this standard has been applied and is in use and is in accordance with the specific requirements of this category of tourists.
The certification process is part of the activities of the municipality of Han Pijesak, which will increase the quality of service and the promotion of both tourist facilities and the entire tourist offer of the municipality.